Strength And Conditioning
“A strong core is essential to improving running, along with reducing injuries”
As part of the club we run strength and conditioning on Thursdays. In addition to this try and complete the 2 circuits below once a week!
If you find the circuits too easy, build up the reps, and complete more circuits.
As a foundation to this check out these 7 key exercises here, try to nail the form of these for maximum benefit
Core 1
Complete 1 minute per exercise.
Repeat 3 times with 1 minute break between circuits
1) Dead Bug
12 each side
Alternate Sides, keeping base of back on flat grounds.
2) Glute bridge
12 reps
Press through the heels. Push hips upward. To increase difficulty use weight on hips / raise one leg of floor
3) Twisting side plank
8 reps each side
4) Press up
12 reps
5) High reach sit up
30 seconds each side
2) V Sit
Make sure to stay balanced.
Core 2 - Complete circuit 3 times, 2 minutes between each,
12 Burpees
12 reps
Hold medicine ball r do jump squats to increase difficulty.
Scissor legs
Alternate legs on top. 12 times each side.
Plank, with Shoulder touch
12 Shoulder touches each side.
Russian Twists
12 each side.