This past year and a bit has been a bit of a rollercoaster, from lockdown to easing to lockdown again. At UOLRAC we’ve tried to make the most of the situation and get ourselves and others out running - we did a recruitment challenge that involved getting a friend, family member, housemate, etc out running for a month with a prize at the end.
As an outdoor sport we've had it a lot easier than other sports clubs which has been great for us. We even managed to get some freshers join in 2020/21! We want our club to grow and we welcome anyone new interested whether you’re a first year or an later year please feel free to get in contact or turn up to our give it a go sessions. We love running and want you all to as well.
We understand we’ve had a tough time with COVID-19 but with things eased we want to be here for you. Running is great for your mental health - it keeps you fit and gives you the opportunity to meet others and just chat. We also understand you may be cautious coming back to sport and uni, we’re here to help as much as we can, our Wellbeing Officer is on standby and we can help signpost you if need be.